European Society of Gynaecological Oncology


Founded in 1983, the European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO) is a not-for profit organisation and forum of more than 3,300 health care professionals from across Europe and all around the world, dedicated to promoting the highest quality of care for women with gynaecological cancers. ESGO´s vision is optimal prevention and care for all women in Europe with gynaecological cancers. The mission of ESGO is to improve the health and well-being of European women with gynaecological (genital and breast) cancers through prevention, excellence in care, high quality research and education. ESGO aims to achieve high standards of professional training and care for gynaecological oncology in Europe. These goals are accomplished through a variety of activities. ESGO holds a biennial European Gynaecological Oncology Congress, publishes the International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, has set up formal guidelines of training in gynaecological oncology and runs European hospital accreditation. Annually ESGO organises numerous educational workshops with special emphasis on European countries where facilities and education is lacking, and also provides traveling fellowships to enhance communication and mobility within different European institutions. ESGO initiated several highly successful networks and special interest groups such as ENGAGe (European Network of Gynae Oncological Advocacy groups) or ENYGO (European Network of Young gynaecological Oncologists).


ENGAGe (the Network of European Patient Gynae Oncological Advocacy Groups), established in 2012, is the only umbrella organization for patient groups committed to gynaecological cancers. ENGAGe represents the aspiration and needs of representing all gynaecological cancers particularly (ovary, endometrial, cervix, vulva and rare cancers) and provides a platform to ESGO to raise awareness about the gynaecological cancers. ENGAGe, which currently includes 47 patient groups from 25 countries (each new member goes thru detailed review by ENGAGe Executive Team for acceptance) is governed by Executive group that consists of representatives of patient advocates and clinicians. The Executive Group reports to the ESGO Council and to the Assembly of ENGAGe members. The Patient Advocate Co-Chairing the Executive Group has been appointed as ESGO Council member to represent the patient voice at ESGO.

The aims of ENGAGe are as follows:

  • To facilitate the development of national gynaecological cancer patient groups in Europe and to facilitate networking and collaboration between them
  • To disseminate information and share best practices to empower patient groups and improve the quality of care across Europe
  • To build public awareness and mobilize best care of women with gynaecological cancer at national and European levels.
  • To increase patient representation in ESGO activities by education on current research and health policy.
  • Advocate patient care policies, practices and access to appropriate care of both national and European levels
  • To educate and build the capacity of patient groups, and facilitate their communication with health professionals, the public and health decision makers.

Dr. Gultekin

Dr. Gultekin is a Gynae Oncologist, an associated Professor and lately a government official as cancer director in Turkish Ministry of Health, who is actively involved in several leading cancer organizations, such as being vice president of the European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO) and council member of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), European Commission Expert Group on Cancer Control and World Health Organization (WHO) and President of Black-sea Coalition for Cervical and Breast Cancer and CENT-East Trial Group. He has been the leading founder of HPV DNA Screening, Mobile Trucks and Central Mammography Report Unit, cancer registry systems in Turkey and community based palliative care systems in the world. He has published hundreds of scientific research, with special focus on HPV DNA screening, gynaecological oncology and patient advocacy. He is a member of the editorial board of several international cancer journals and prominent oncology textbooks, including ESGO's Textbook of Gynaecological Oncology and author of over 100 articles in SCI indexed publications. Currently, he is also the co-chair of ENGAGE and ESGO prevention task force.



Icó Tóth

Icó Tóth is the co-chair of the European Network of Gynaecological Cancer Advocacy Groups (ENGAGe), which belongs to the European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO). Member of ENGAGE Clinical Trial Project, ESGO council and ESGO Prevention committee. She is the president of the Mallow Flower Foundation, Hungary, works for the HPV prevention and for all gyneacological cancer patients. She is invited as a patient expert in several HPV roundtable discussions, conferences in Europe. She reviewed cervical cancer guidelines, brochures on European level. She wrote two books in health topic: All moms recover- diary of cervical cancer; Mallow-pocket-HPV Book. She is a cervical cancer survivor, married and has two kids.